RCCE Exam Versions

Rocheston Certified Cybersecurity Engineer (RCCE) Level 1 Exam to RCCE (ANSI) Exam - The Changes

RCCE exam has been designed to assess the foundation of cybersecurity professional and test their eligibility for handling cybersecurity for future technologies with the knowledge of tools that can keep hackers away from exploiting the unseen breaches in the digital world.

RCCE Level 1 exam is Rocheston’s present certification program. Candidates taking RCCE Level 1 exam are awarded RCCE certification and badge that are valid for a period of two years.

RCCE (ANSI) Exam will be Rocheston’s new certification program after receiving ANSI accreditation. The Rocheston Certified Cybersecurity Engineer (RCCE) is the flagship certification program offered by the RDoC. For more information on the RCCE certification program, please visit the Rocheston Department of Certification website: https://cert.rocheston.com

However, present RCCE certifications awarded to candidates will stand valid for the due period mentioned on the certificates. After the expiry dates of the present RCCE certificates, candidates will be eligible to take up RCCE (ANSI) Exam and thereby certificates carrying ANSI accreditation.

A comparative study:

Topics covered in RCCE level 1 exam:

1. Cybersecurity Threats, Attacks and Defenses
2. Information Gathering and Network Scanning
3. Cyber Vulnerabilities
4. Web Application Attacks
5. Web shells, Spywares and Backdoors
6. Denial of Service Attacks
7. Packet Sniffers and Network Analyzers
8. Password Cracking
9. Wireless Hacking
10. Firewalls and IDS
11. Hacking Frameworks
12. Cryptography
13. Android Hacking
14. Malware attacks and Phishing Attacks
15. Hacking Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp accounts and Others
16. Hacking Cloud computing
17. Hacking Cloud networks
18. Supply Chain Attacks
19. Mobile Phone Hacking
20. Web Server Hacking
21. Patch Management
22. Malware Analysis
23. Penetration Testing
24. Policies and Procedures
25. Incident Response
26. Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity
27. Cyberthreat Intelligence
28. Scripting Languages
29. Network Defender

Topics covered in RCCE (ANSI) exam:

  • Cybersecurity Policies and Governance
  • Risks/Threats/Vulnerability Assessment
  • Risks/Threats/Vulnerability Management
  • Security Incident Response and Recovery Plan

Modality of RCCE Level 1 Exam:

  • Exam Duration: minutes
  • Exam platform - Cyberclass and Rocheston Ramsys are used to proctor the exam
  • Question Type - Multiple Choice Questions (Objective type)
  • Number of questions: 90
  • Pass Percentage 70

Modality of RCCE (ANSI) Exam:
  • Exam Duration: 120 minutes
  • Exam platform - Cyberclass and Rocheston Ramsys are used to proctor the exam
  • Question Type - Multiple Choice Questions (Objective type)
  • Total count - 100 questions
  • Pass Percentage - 62%
  • Retake Policy - To schedule and retake the exam at your convenience,
  • The certification is valid for 2 years.
  • Certified candidates are free to use the logo as a RCCE according to the Logo and Badge Guidelines.
  • Certified candidates will also receive access to the Cyberclass Portal
  • Candidates who have passed the exam will receive a soft copy of the certificate followed by an acclaim badge and finally a physical certificate.

Note: RCCE Level 1 exam will be discontinued upon releasing the RCCE (ANSI) new exam.
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